Special approach to body quality and shape will help to prolong its beauty for many years. ADONIS Plastic surgery clinic provides highly professional treatment in the area of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology. Only modern equipment and knowledge of skilled professionals are used for the well-being of our patients from the whole world.
Variety of options
ADONIS clinic is a world known medical establishment which creates medical surroundings of the best comfort for more than 24 years.
Our own technological basis and constant improvement help us to provide the widest variety of treatment options maintaining our main basis – SAFETY, PROFESSIONALISM, QUALITY and CARE.
ADONIS Plastic surgery Department includes several directions which meets all requests and needs of our patients:
Facial Plastic surgery
Body contouring
Breast Plastic surgery
Hair transplantation
Every treatment direction includes a list of Plastic surgery Programs, more information about them you can find at ADONIS website – https://adonis-international.com/branches/plastic-surgery/ .
Each ADONIS Plastic surgery Program is complemented by full service throughout the whole process. During the first professional consultation with a doctor, you receive an individually adapted treatment and examination plan. All treatment stages can be developed or selected according to your initial physical state, case history, tests results, personal intolerance, requests and wishes.
Such an approach helps us to reach the best results, because the satisfaction of your own body is really important.
ADONIS Beauty staff
Qualitative medical staff are the people who work with whole dedication for your perfect appearance, body shape or dental health.
ADONIS Beauty includes only professionals of the highest qualification. Skilled plastic surgeons with a period from 12 to 28 years, Dermatologists and Cosmetologists with experience from 4 to 21 years – all of them are ready to provide treatment immediately.
Moreover, even after discharge, ADONIS specialists ensure their professional help. We follow up the rehabilitation process after the surgery, because it’s an essential stage which can influence the final results. You can be sure in total care and support 24/7.
Safety aspect
We pay special attention to the safety of our patients.
Anesthesia. To exclude possible complications, every patient comes through consultation with a skilled anesthesiologist before surgery. You will have a testing for personal intolerance and acceptability of medications.
Laboratory examination. ADONIS ‘own diagnostic laboratory provides full examinations for patients before the start of the treatment process to ensure their best health, which is the basis for great results.
Staff checking. People who work with patients (medical and other staff) are constantly testing for COVID-19. All personnel are vaccinated and are allowed to work only in perfect health condition.
Facilities and surfaces. Disinfection and cleaning is carried out according to the sanitary norms of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and even above it.
The Plastic surgery clinic of ADONIS creates the best comfort and safety for your beautiful transformation processes. Choose the Plastic surgery Program that fits you most – we will satisfy your request using the newest technologies.