Today’s generation is a generation with advanced people. Every day something new comes up in the market. The Internet has brought a major change in our lives. But with the good aspects comes bad ones too. Addiction is a big word in itself. One can be addicted to anything be it the social media, food, alcohol, etc. Today, we are here to talk about a serious issue i.e., drug addiction and how drug rehab centres help to cure this addiction.
Drugs are abusive substances which are not at all good for the human body and trigger unexpected reactions. Drugs can be anything like tea, alcohol or proper abusive substances. Addiction is when a person cannot live without a particular substance. The body becomes so used to the substance that his body starts to misbehave.
Now when a person starts taking drugs in huge amounts his body gives up at some point of time. Even if a person wants to leave the habit, he probably cannot because his body is so much used to that particular substance.
Detoxification is a process which is invented in the medical field in order to remove the toxic substances from a person’s body. One cannot do such things at home all by himself because immediate withdrawal symptoms can worsen the condition. For this purpose, medical centers which are known as drug rehab or drug detox centres have been opened.
Now in such centers people who want to leave their drug addiction habits are admitted. Before going deep down into what a drug detox is, we need to understand what a detoxification process is and how much time is needed to heal from this.
Basically in a detox process, such medications are given to the patient which removes the toxic drug content from the patient’s body. We know that in order to get rid of any kind of addiction, one certainly needs to reduce the consumption of that substance. As you already know this is not possible at home, that is why it is important that drug detoxification process takes place at a good medical centre.
What is a rehab/detox centre?
As already discussed, a rehab is a place where people are provided with help in getting rid of their addiction. Some people find it difficult to quit without the help of others. Certainly, people who are at home with addicts cannot help them properly. In such conditions, a rehab is the best place for a patient to be.
There are different kinds of treatment provided to different people depending on their condition. The type of treatment you get totally depends on what kind of substance abuse the patient does, how much time it has been and is he trying to get rid of the abuse himself.
“The primary goal of a detox center is to help clients get rid of the substances in their body in a safe manner, avoiding dangerous withdrawal effects”, says Mat Gorman, CEO at Briarwood Detox.
There are mainly 4 different kinds of treatment which a patient can opt for.
Your situation will tell which rehab you should visit and when.
- Outpatient treatment- an outpatient rehab or a detox centre is one in which a residential facility is not provided to patients. The patient can visit the centre during the day regularly. All the medical help will be given to patients during day care.
- Inpatient treatment- as the name suggests, an in-patient rehab centre is one in which patients are required to reside inside the centre premises. The duration of stay is about 1 month. It can also vary according to the condition of the patient.
- Residential treatment- residence is a place where you can live freely. So in a residential kind of rehab treatment, the patient lives for a long duration. Extensive medical care is provided to the patient until he is fully recovered.
- Recovery housing treatment- here the patients participate in treatment programs. They live in temporary and medically supervised houses.
Once you are admitted to a rehab, detoxification is the first process which you will go through.
The medical procedure during detoxification involves-
- Evaluation
- Stabilization
- Preparing entry into treatment
Proper medical facilities cannot be provided at home. So it is always recommended that you should consider sending a drug addict to a well-known rehab. Our Austin rehab center can actually help a person in leaving a substance abuse. If you find anyone suffering from such addiction, you can help them by explaining the benefits of a rehab centre.