Whenever we think of hair, we involuntarily think of the hair on our heads. But hair is actually present in almost all parts of our body.
The chemical composition of hair is 45% carbon, 28% oxygen, 15% nitrogen, 7% hydrogen, and 5% sulfur. The hair shaft is essentially formulated of a protein called keratin. Hair keratin is hard, compact, and strong in terms of its chemical structure. These multivitamin for hair growth is must to add in your daily life.
Hair also contains 12-15% water and traces of minerals elements like calcium, copper, zinc, silicon, and chromium. Although keratin plays a key role in the solidarity and physical properties of hair.
Hair grows out of a root portion called the hair follicle. An average adult head has approximately 100,000 to 150,000 hair follicles. In a normal condition, about 90% of the follicles are active. Although various figures for hair shedding range between 50 and 150, it is okay to say that everyone loses some hair every day, although the figure can vary from person to person.
Excessive shedding of hair can be a symptom of alopecia (hair loss).
Hair loss or alopecia can affect just your scalp or entire body and it can be temporary or permanent. The phenomenon of hair loss occurs when new hair does not replace the hair that has fallen out.
Some causes that can lead to hair loss or alopecia are:
- Heredity: Family history or heredity is the most common cause of hair loss with respect to one’s age. It usually occurs in predictable patterns such as loss of hair in patches or thinning of hair along with the crown, mostly found in women.
- Hairstyles using strong chemical treatments: Chemicals such as sodium lauryl sulfate is one of the most commonly used harmful chemicals, come under various names such as Laureth sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate.
Isopropyl and synthetic colors can cause dizziness, nausea, and itchy scalp respectively.
Chemicals like para-Phenylenediamine (PPD), a compound containing nitrogen [ C6H4 (NH2)2]. This chemical is hazardous and can compromise one’s immune system.
- Medications and supplements: Alopecia can be a side effect of certain drugs. Temporary or permanent hair loss can be caused by several medications including those for cancer (chemotherapy), blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes.
- Hormonal changes: Hair loss can also be caused by a change in hormones. For example, change in hormones due to pregnancy, childbirth, thyroid or menopause.
Problems like alopecia areata which is related to one’s immune system, causes patchy hair loss, scalp infections such as ringworm.
- Aloe vera: It is a helpful home remedy for hair fall and it also promotes hair growth .
Aloe vera benefits hair in following ways-
- Deep cleans oily hair. Unlike other chemicals in hair products , aloe vera is gentle and preserves integrity of one’s hair.
- Promote hair growth. As it can increase blood circulation. Furthermore, it strengthens and repairs hair strands. Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, and E, all these three vitamins contribute to strengthening the strands.
2.Indian gooseberry (amla): Amla or the Indian gooseberry benefits one’s hair in the following ways-
- The phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals present in amla help in promoting hair growth by increasing the scalp circulation. It also helps replace the dead cells of hair follicles with new hair cells.
- Amla can nourish, strengthen and condition one’s hair hereby making it shiny and adding volume to the same. It contains vitamin C that cures the dryness of the scalp and prevents dandruff.
- Amla is usually used with henna in order to enhance the hair color making it look natural.
3.Beetroot juice: Beetroot helps in compensating your nutritional deficiency that causes alopecia/hair loss. Beetroot furnishes you with nutrients like iron, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium. Also, it acts as a barrier to scalp inflammation.
4.Coconut oil massage: Coconut oil has a high level of penetration which helps in preventing damage from occurring to the hair.
The researchers concluded that coconut oil’s hydrophobic nature unlocks the majority of its protective abilities.
Coconut oil can also help fight scalp inflammation which causes hair thinning and loss.
5.Green tea: Green tea has a specific set of chemicals, which are responsible for the bitter taste, these are really powerful antioxidants.
Following factors make green tea so efficacious in stopping hair loss-
- Green tea is rich in catechins , these help in suppressing dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is one of the main causes of hair loss.
- It is rich in polyphenols. This essential compound promotes hair growth in cell culture.
- Green tea is anti-inflammatory and promotes blood circulation in the scalp, which improves hair growth.
6.Onion juice: Onion juice is rich in sulfur content that improves scalp health and is also known to fight scalp infections,as onion has antibacterial properties.
Furthermore, it contains enzyme catalase, which is an antioxidant that can act as a barrier when it comes to premature greying.
7.Fenugreek seeds (methi): These seeds provide vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, folic acid and minerals like potassium,calcium, and iron. Fenugreek seeds have high protein content, which proves to be beneficial against hair fall and dandruff. The seeds also help in moisturizing the hair and bringing back the shine.
8.Neem leaves: Neem leaves are a natural cure for scalp infections and dandruff. Neem possess antifungal and antibacterial properties that help remove dandruff and also treat itchy scalps. They also ameliorate hair texture by easing blood circulation in the scalp.
9.Honey and greek yogurt: Yoghurt is full of protein, which benefits by strengthening the hair shaft. It lowers the risk of damage and split ends. Yogurt acts as a gentle cleansing agent that helps to clear dead skin cells that settle on the scalp.
Honey is a superb moisturizer. It is also pH balancing and antiseptic, which can contribute to making the scalp smooth and healthy.
10.Apple cider vinegar: Clogged hair follicles can also result in hair loss, dirt, and bacteria that can clog the follicles of your hair and prevent the natural and essential oils from reaching them. Apple cider vinegar helps to clear away dirt and bacteria, it will not only unclog the pores but also moisturizes the scalp and will promote hair growth by doing so.