Posted on: March 27, 2019 Posted by: admin Comments: 0

Ethical hacking can be learned in many different ways. However, the fastest and the cheapest method to become a pro hacker are free books & tutorials available online, for free. These books on “How to be a hacker on your own” not just help you learn new techniques but also keep you updated with the latest ideas and happenings in the field. Here we are providing you with a list of books that you can download for free-

1. Black Belt Hacking & Complete Hacking Book

2. Hackers High School 13 Complete Hacking Ebooks

3. Penetration Testing With Backtrack 5

4. A Beginners Guide To Hacking Computer Systems

5. Black Book of Viruses and Hacking

6. Secrets of Super and Professional Hackers

7. Dangerous Google Hacking Database and Attacks

8. Internet Advanced Denial of Service (DDOS) Attack

9. Computer Hacking & Malware Attacks for Dummies

10. G-mail Advance Hacking Guides and Tutorials

11. Vulnerability Exploit & website Hacking for Dummies

12. Web App Hacking (Hackers Handbook)

13. Security Cryptic Networks and Hacking

14. Botnets The Killer Web Applications Hacking

15. Hacking attacks and Examples Test

16. Network Hacking and Shadows Hacking Attacks

17. Gray Hat Hacking and Complete Guide to Hacking

18. Advance Hacking Exposed Tutorials

19. 501 Website Hacking Secrets

20. Internet Security Technology and Hacking

21. CEH Certified Ethical Hacker Study Guide

22. Advanced SQL Injection Hacking and Guide

23. Web Hacking & Penetration Testing

24. OWASP Hacking Tutorials and Web App Protection

25. CEH – Hacking Database Secrets and Exploit

26. Ethical Hacking Value and Penetration testing

27. Hack any Website, Complete Web App Hacking

28. Beginners Hackers and tutorials 

29. Ethical Hacking Complete E-book for Beginners

30. Backtrack: Advance Hacking Tutorials

31. SQL Injection attacks and tutorials by Exploit-DB

32. XSS + Vulnerability Exploitation & Website Hacking

33. Ultimate Guide to Social Engineering attacks

34. White Hat Hacking complete guide to XSS Attacks 

35. Cross Site Scripting and Hacking Websites 

36. The Hackers Underground Handbook ( hack the system)

37. Blind SQL Injection tutorials and Hacking

38. Hacking Secrets Revealed

39. Hacking Website Database and owning systems

40. Reverse Engineering for Beginners 

41. Reverse Engineering (The Real Hacking)

42. Computer Hacking

43. Hack your Friend using Backtrack

44. Reverse Engineering Hacking and Cracking

45. Hack the System for beginners

46. Hacking into Computer Systems

47. Blind SQL Injection Discovery & Exploitation

Now, if you already are a bit acquainted with the field of ethical hacking, you must have heard of ANKIT FADIA. If you aren’t already, let me take a small excerpt from his self-description provided on his website and introduce you to this young genius, “The bestselling author Ankit Fadia is a tech junkie who loves tinkering with computers, gadgets, and everything tech. He has hosted a popular show on MTV India called What the Hack!, where he gave tips, tricks, and tweaks to get more out of technology and the Internet and now has his own YouTube channel called Geek On The Loose. Widely recognized as a computer security expert, he has published 16 books, delivered more than 1000 talks in 25 countries, received several awards and trained more than 20,000 people in India and China.”

We hope we have given you enough credentials to not just believe in Ankit but also to take up his books and learn as much as you can about Ethical hacking. Here we are giving you another list but by Ankit Fadia exclusively to make sure you are well-versed with all the big& small details of the hacking world. Below mentioned are the books by Ankit Fadia on ethical hacking that you must go through-

1. Untold Windows Tips And Secrets

2. Ankit Fadia Hacking Guide

3. Batch File Programming – Ankit Fadia

4. Defacing Websites A Step By Step Process By Ankit Fadia Hacking Truths_ FTP Exploits

5. Dos Attacked

6. Fadia, Ankit – Encryption Algorithms Explained

7. Tracing IP, DNS, WHOIS-nsLOOKUP

8. Transparent Proxies With Squid By Ankit Fadia

9. Truths!!!–What they Don’t teach in Manuals!!!

10. Base64 Encoding Torn Apart

11. Algorithms Explained

12. Closing Open Holes

13. Firewalls

14. FTP Exploits By Ankit Fadia

15. Gathering Info on Remote Host

16. Getting geographical Information using an IP Address

17. Hacking into Linux

18. More Password Cracking Decrypted

19. Removing Banners from your site

20. Sendmail and Beyond

21. SSL Torn Apart

22. TCP Wrappers Unwrapped

23. Transparent Proxies in Squid

24. Untold Windows Tips and Secrets

25. Windows Password Files Torn Apart

Download Ankit Fadia Hacking Books from Single Download Link

Hacking Tips & Tricks

The best thing about these books is that you can download each one of them from the internet for free. Hacking had never been this cheap. But don’t you think, unless you have an idea of here to start from, you cannot really download just any random book and begin to read.

No, right?

So, here, just to ease out the sorting process for you, we are giving you a list of concepts or theories that you should be well-acquainted with before you get down to learning ethical hacking for real. You can learn about these terminologies over the internet or through the books we have already mentioned in the blog. However, you need to keep in mind that anything too technical could not be learned until you are well versed with the below-mentioned jargons-

a). Linux

b). BackTrack (Kali Linux)

c). AirCrack

d). SQLi

e). Pishing

f). Zero Day Exploit

g). Information Gathering

h). DDOS Attack

i). Social Engg.

j). Black Hat and White Hat Hackers.

k). Wireless Hacking

l). IP Spoofing

m). Packer Sniffing

n). Logic Bomb

o). Anonymous

p). XSS – Cross Sire Scripting

q). Passive Wiretapping

Once you are well-versed with these aspects of hacking, you would find ethical hacking much easier. Also, please remember that these books are made available to you only to help you learn about hacking and use your skills in an ethical way. To misuse them is against all forms of law and you can be caught and put to jail for the same.

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