connect.xfinity.com Email : Sign in to Your Comcast Email Account or Voicemail Service
Quickly and easily sign in and access your Comcast email or voicemail from my.xfinity.com.
Note: Bookmark your email sign-in page to easily access your account faster in the future.
Signing in to your Comcast Email or Voicemail Service
- Visit xfinity.com and click the Email or Voice icon in the screen’s top-right corner.
- Enter your Xfinity ID and password and click Sign In.
- After signing in, you’ll be redirected to Xfinity Connect, your dashboard for Comcast email and voicemail service
- Access your email account by clicking Mail or your voicemail by clicking Voice.
Other Comcast Services
Manage all your Xfinity services through My Account. Get started by using the Xfinity My Account app on your mobile device or visiting us online
How to Manage Your Xfinity Email Settings – My Account Help
You can change the email address where you receive Xfinity account alerts and communications in My Account. Your comcast.net email is usually set as your default preferred address, but you can change your preferred email at any time.
How to Add a Personal Email Address
To add a personal email address to your account, follow the steps below:
- Sign into My Account and make sure you’re on the Users tab.
- Select Edit next to the user you want to add an email address for.
- In the Contact Information section, click Add a Personal Email Address. (Note: If there is already a personal address associated with the username, you can click Remove and start these instructions over or click Edit to make any necessary changes).
- Enter and re-enter your email address. Click Save.
- We’ll send a verification link to validate your new email address. For your security, your email verification link will expire in 72 hours.
Note: Your comcast.net email address will remain your default preferred address until you update the setting in My Account.
Set Your Preferred Email Address
To set a personal email as your preferred address, you must first add a second email address to your account via the instructions above.
- Sign in to My Account.
- Select Edit next to the user whose preferred email you want to change.
- In the Contact Information section, click the Edit button in the email section.
- Click Make this preferred to set which email is listed as your preferred email address. A gray “Preferred” indicator will appear next to your selection.