At times, the excitement generated by cheerleaders surpasses that of the actual sports game. Half-time shows featuring various uniforms, dances, and outrageous cheer splits are often crowd favorites. Nevertheless, there are instances when the spotlight rightfully belongs to the uniforms themselves. The physical demands of cheerleading, involving running, flipping, and splitting, can lead to a range of wardrobe malfunctions. Below is a glimpse into some amusingly shocking cheerleader uniform mishaps. Brace yourself for these astonishing moments of flabbergasting wardrobe blunders.
1. Fall Back:
These cheerleaders are clearly bending backward at the knees.
2. Leg Lifts:
Lifting your legs is cool, as long as everything stays inside.
3. Wrong Size Skirt:
These cheerleaders seem to have shopped in the baby section of the store.
4. Step Ups:
This cheerleader should have paid more attention to the bottom half of her body instead of perfecting her smile.
5. Cheer Vibration:
She had to find a place for her phone because, evidently, cheerleader outfits don’t have pockets.
6. Janet Jackson Repeat:
This cheerleader was so excited that she lifted right out of her top.
7. Pom-Pom Mania:
This cheerleader got a little too excited with her pom-poms.
8. Leg Synchronization:
These leg lifts just happened to be in sync with the camera snap.
9. Leg Lift Faux Pas:
Whether she wasn’t aware that it was “that time of the month” or really had to use the bathroom, this must have been the most embarrassing moment of her life.
10. Underpants:
Clearly, these two ladies forgot most of their undergarments.
11. Ruffles:
These ladies must have missed their toddler years.
12. Football Huddle:
These cheerleaders forgot to put on their spanks.
13. The Flintstones:
The designer of these uniforms must have a love for cartoons.
14. Strapless:
Maybe this cheerleader was going for the one-shoulder strap uniform look instead of two.
15. Just Cheeky:
Who says cheerleaders have to wear underpants?
16. Too Much To Handle:
Just a peek at the rainbow.
17. Powder Puff:
Just a little puffy in all the wrong places.
18. Cheer Splits:
Their hands will never be the same.
19. Feeling Herself:
The cell phone helped ease the pain of exercise during cheer practice.
20. Cowgirl:
Everyone likes to ride the horses once in a while.