In recent years the marijuana industry has enjoyed legalization in many states in the USA and countries like Uruguay and Canada. This legalization has resulted in a significant increase in the number of cannabis users. Apart from controlling the quality of cannabis, you can adopt a more hands-on approach by growing your weed. You will likely save a lot of money once you choose this route. If you have a green thumb, this could be an even better decision. In addition to producing for your consumption, you can also carry out commercial cultivation.
Deciding to grow weed for both personal and commercial purposes requires patience. In the beginning, you may make a lot of errors, although this is all part of the process. However, tips from experienced growers will help you make fewer mistakes and maximize your yields simultaneously. Apart from buying high-quality seeds from stores like i49, here are other ways that you can utilize to optimize your cannabis yield.
1.Pay attention to the light intensity
Although various weed strains and hybrids exist in the market, they all have a commonality: they need the right amount of light to grow. A sure way to improve and increase your yield is to change the intensity of the light that you are using. Utilizing sunlight can also benefit you if you are an outdoor grower.
However, if you are an indoor grower, picking the right kind of light will work in your favor. Some rays intensely penetrate your cannabis, but they could end up burning your plants if there is no ventilation inside that room. Sometimes your light may have low penetration power, thus only be efficient when closer to your plants.
A good tip is to opt for HID and LED lights. These ensure that all your branches receive sufficient light. Lastly, adding a net will shape the plants as they grow so that each branch gets exposed to ample light.
2.Use fresh, genetically superior seeds
Before you start growing your marijuana, you need to pay attention to the most important thing, and that is genetics. Currently, there exists a myriad of cannabis plant genetics. And one thing you need to avoid when buying your seeds is buying plants that have genetically drifted.
It is a wise choice to begin by bringing in a good quality of seeds for your first run, for instance, feminized seeds. After finding seeds with a remarkable phenotype, you could begin by putting them into a room and carrying out tests before proceeding to full production. This will allow you to settle on the cannabis genetics that works best for you.
- Use the right size of containers
The container that you decide to use plays a significant role in your cannabis plants’ growth. Increasing their size gives your plants more space for growth, which typically results in higher yields. If your budget can accommodate changing your small containers for bigger containers, you will also have to consider other parts of your set up. This means that you may need to put in enough resources to accommodate changing your lights and increasing the nutrients you put into your cannabis.
- Use the rights nutrients
Germinating your cannabis seeds in the right way will ensure that they photosynthesize and grow. Many growers make a mistake by using too many nutrients in a bid to increase the bud size. However, that doesn’t work because as much as your marijuana plants require nutrients, overdoing it is detrimental to the plan’s health.
Put the right amount of nutrients and regularly check your leaves. If you notice their tips yellowing, it is a sign that you could be giving your plants more nutrients than they need. Creating your unique super soil will be beneficial for your plants. You can also choose to purchase bottled nutrients from a market.
- Take up trellising
A common reason why you may be getting low yields is some plants failing to grow. Sometimes your cannabis plants may even lack the structural strength to support themselves. If you are in this situation, your plants will need a structure that will offer them stable external support. Building a sturdy frame will enable them to grow, subsequently producing high yields.
You can build your structure using different types of metal or bamboo. Arrange these rods in a way that accommodates plant growth and separates the plants from each other. This technique of providing external support is what is called trellising.
- Avoid cutting corners when building your foundation
Farming is much like building a house in that you need a good foundation if you want to be successful. Get quality soil and suitable amendments for your farm. Taking this step will help you to maximize your yields. Additionally, it will help you create a healthy root zone, which will ensure that your plants are in the best state from the beginning till the harvesting time.
- Regulate your temperatures
Temperature and humidity significantly determine the amount of yield that you get. If these two are either too high or too low, your buds’ development could be adversely affected. For instance, if the temperatures are too high during flowering, the cannabinoids and terpenes might get burnt, which will take away the buds’ natural fragrance.
The best way to gauge if the temperatures and humidity are correct is to observe your leaves. Leaves manifest symptoms of malnutrition and other issues fast. When the temperatures are too high, your cannabis leaves will wilt and burn. This is an indication that you need to adjust your temperatures. Choose the ideal temperature ranges for your plants, and these are different depending on whether your plants are getting light or not.
The humidity levels should also be correct, depending on the developmental stage of your plants.
It is easy to have a bountiful harvest as it is to get low yields. All you need are the rights tips and steps, and when you follow these seven tips, it will be easy to achieve better harvests.