Managing hunger is the hardest thing about a diet. You can kill yourself in the gym every day and it’s not going to get you the results you want if you aren’t winning in the kitchen. For whatever reason, maintaining a strict diet is way harder than getting on the treadmill every day. We can be disciplined in our exercise routines but toss a brownie in front of us and we lose all control.
The trick to sticking to a diet is getting past the initial hump. You’ve got to climb to the top of that first hill to see some tangible results and look back at where you started. Your body needs time to adjust as well. It takes time to create new behavior patterns, especially related to something that’s so engrained like how you eat. Every day, you’re likely tempted by unhealthy foods. There’s the office party, after-work drinks, dessert after a long day to take the edge off, and a million other temptations. It’s hard to say no to all of those things, especially when eating relieves stress and can be a social thing.
Here are five tips you can use to reduce hunger and stay strong when temptation comes knocking.
Drink More Water
If you drink large amounts of water each day, you will feel fuller throughout the day and will be less likely to overindulge. Gulping down a bottle or two of water just before a meal will make you feel full faster than if you aren’t drinking anything. As a rule of thumb, try to down a gallon of water each day. It may take some time to get accustomed to having that much water, so take it slowly and work your way up if you have to. Add in some sugar-free drink mix if it makes it easier for you. Drinking a lot of water will reduce your hunger feelings and it’s great for your skin and metabolism as well.
Pick Up Some Healthy Snacks
All or nothing diets are almost always doomed to fail. If you’re someone who loves eating, you might lose a few pounds in the first few weeks, but you’ll quickly realize that you’re miserable and turn to food. The key here is to identify healthy snacks you like and keep them in stock when the cravings come along. Munching on a healthy snack is a great way to reduce hunger that skips the negative effect of eating a candy bar or some other junk food. Some good healthy snacks include things like popcorn, sliced vegetables, small amounts of fruit, seaweed, or a handful of nuts.
Eat More Protein
Diets with lots of protein are associated with fewer cravings and hunger pangs. Boosting the amount of protein you take in each day is a great way to avoid empty stomach feelings. You can get protein by having a healthy, low-sugar protein shake, eating more protein in meat with your meals, and other sources like eggs. A high-protein diet will keep your energy levels consistent throughout the day and prevent feelings of hunger. You’ll feel satiated for longer.
How Melanotan 2 Eliminates Hunger Feelings
Melanotan 2 is a peptide that was developed by the University of Arizona in the 1980s. In clinical research done with Melanotan 2, also called melanotanii, mice that were tested saw a change in their preference for fatty foods and an overall decline in their appetites. MT-2 has similar effects to leptin, the hormone that regulates the feeling of satiety. The trials saw evidence that it plays a role in food preferences and caused a significant reduction in the number of foods the mice ate.
Take Walks
For most people, hunger feelings are often not due to true feelings of hunger. Most people think they’re hungry when they’re bored. Keeping your mind and body busy is key to overcoming hunger pangs and preventing disastrous binge sessions. Go on walks whenever you start feeling hungry or start playing a video game. Do something to take your mind off of the food you wish you could eat. Do your best to delay eating until your next mealtime and bulk up your meals to keep you feeling full for hours after you eat.